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Sabine Hornig - The Matter of the Glazed Fence

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

30.01 - 15.03.2025

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Interview to José Loureiro - Beco das Flores, Canedo do Mato

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

19.11.2024 - 18.01.2025

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José Loureiro - Beco das Flores, Canedo do Mato

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

19.11.2024 - 11.01.2025

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Lawrence Weiner Tribute - I've Always Loved Jezebel

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

10.10 - 09.11.2024

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Exposição Coletiva - WHITE NOISE

Group exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

18.07 - 28.09.2024

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João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira - Casa Vale Ferreira

Solo exhibition at Fundação Serralves, Oporto

11.07 - 17.11.2024

Erwin Wurm - Discipline of Subjectivity

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisboa

16.05 - 29.06.2024

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Yonamine - ETC - Extraction | Trade | Cashtration

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

26.03 - 04.05.2024

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José Loureiro - Book "Croque Couleur"

Solo exhibition at Frac Grand Large, Hauts-de-France / Dunkerque

17.02 - 01.09.2024

José Loureiro - CROQUE-COULEUR

Solo exhibition at Frac Grand Large, Hauts-de-France / Dunkerque

17.02 - 01.09.2024

André Cepeda - Double Jeu

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

30.01 - 09.03.2024

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Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

23.11.2023 - 20.01.2024

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João Maria Gusmão - Solo Show at Artissima 2023

Solo Show at Artissima 2023, Turin

02.11 - 05.11.2023

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João Onofre - Untitled (in awe of)

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

10.10 - 18.11.2023

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Mariana Gomes - Neo-Pós-Neo

Solo exhibition at Cristina Guerra Contemporary Art, Lisbon

06.07 - 30.09.2023

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Rosângela Rennó - Women in Motion 2023

Women in Motion 2023 Prize at La Mécanique Génerale, Arles

03.07.2023 - 24.09.2023

Erwin Wurm - Trap of the Truth

Solo exhibition at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Yorkshire

10.06.2023 - 28.04.2024

Erwin Wurm - Sculpture Populaire

Instalation at Palais Populaire, Berlin

05.05 - 09.10.2023

Angela Bulloch - Musée d'arts de Nantes

Solo exhibition at Musée d'arts de Nantes, Nantes

13.05.2022 - 30.08.2022

Julião Sarmento - Abstracto, Branco, Tóxico, Volátil

Solo exhibition at Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon

12.05.2022 - 01.01.2023

Julião Sarmento - Abstraco, Branco, Tóxico e Volátil

Solo exhibition at CCB Museu Berardo, Lisbon

12.05.2022 - 31.12.2022

Yonamine - Eu Ue: Amnésia & Dislexia

Solo exhibition at Centro Internacional das Artes José de Guimarães, Guimarães

07.05.2022 - 18.09.2022

Fernão Cruz - Morder o Pó

Solo exhibition at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon

24.09.2021 - 17.01.2022

Tatjana Doll - Was heißt Untergrund

Solo exhibition at KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Berlin

19.09.2021 - 27.02.2022

João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira - Loving as the Road Begins

Grou exhibition at MAAT - Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology, Lisbon

14.10.2019 - 09.12.2019

Ângela Ferreira - Dalaba: Sol d’Exil

Solo exhibition at Fidelidade Arte, Lisboa

22.02.2019 - 17.05.2023

João Onofre - Once in a Lifetime [Repeat]

Solo exhibition at Culturgest, Lisbon

16.02.2019 - 19.05.2019

Matt Mullican - The Feeling of Things

Solo exhibition at Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milão

12.04.2018 - 16.09.2018

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