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Yonamine - Da natureza das figuras obras da colecção da Fundação PLMJ




Yonamine - Da natureza das figuras obras da colecção da Fundação PLMJ


Group exhibition

Camões - Centro Cultural Português, Luanda

24.10 - 27.11.2024

The exhibition, curated by João Silvério, curator of the PLMJ Foundation, is made up of sixteen works in the disciplines of drawing, painting, serigraphy and photography by Benjamim Sabby, Cláudio Rafael, Délio Jasse, Edson Chagas, Hildebrando de Melo, Kiluanji Kia Henda, Lino Damião, Ihosvanny, Paulo Jazz, Paulo Kussy and Yonamine, artists who are part of the Foundation's collection in Angola, Luanda.

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