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Casa Vale Ferreira
Livros 20 - João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira - Casa Vale Ferreira


Edited by Serralves

Portuguese and English

Text by Inês Grosso, João Pedro Vale + Nuno Alexandre Ferreira and Pedro Faro


176 pages

Softcover, 29,5 x 23 cm

ISBN 978 972 739 440 1

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This book accompanies the first survey exhibition of João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, celebrating over two decades of artistic and personal collaboration. Featuring a wide selection of works, from early projects to new installations created especially for the context of the Serralves Villa, the publication revisits some of the duo’s most iconic pieces. By occupying almost all the spaces in the Villa, the artists transform the venue into a setting for unexpected encounters and parallel narratives, documented in this volume. With texts by Inês Grosso, chief curator of the Serralves Museum and curator of the exhibition, and Pedro Faro, curator and critic, the book offers a panoramic view of the artists’ trajectory and impact. It also includes specially commissioned photographs by António Júlio Duarte, capturing the performative nature of the works.

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