Julião Sarmento
Silver Lake Pink Flowers, 2017
Polyvinyl acetate, pigments, acrylic, indian ink, graphite and silkscreen on canvas
194 x 266 x 6 cm
Woman, Book, Black and Camomile, 2009
Aqueous enamel, collage and graphite on paper
101,8 x 66 cm
24.3.50 / 209. Silver Lake Blue, 2011
Silkscreen print, water-based enamel, collage, graphite, adhesive tape and staples on paper
50 x 71,5 cm
Grey Breasts, 2011
Aqueous enamel and silkscreen on paper
100,5 x 140,4 cm
BOYD, 2008
Polyvinyl acetate, pigments, acrylic and silkscreen on cotton canvas
195 x 220 x 6 cm